raja.fr Emballez bien, emballez malin ! Bénéficiez des prix et services garantis RAJA Leader européen de la distribution d’emballages, le groupe RAJA est le partenaire privilégié de 700 000 entreprises en Europe, de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs d’activité. Une offre diversifiée et sur mesure Emballages, fournitures, équipements… RAJA innove en permanence et adapte ses produits et ses services pour couvrir l’ensemble des besoins des entreprises, quelles que soient leur taille et leur localisation Une sélection de solutions d’emballages pratiques et innovants vous permettant d’optimiser votre budget, de réduire la casse, de gagner en productivité, de valoriser votre marque, d’adopter une démarche plus éco-responsable ! 150 spécialistes à votre service ! Contactez nos conseillers : ils sont là pour vous renseigner, vous orienter et vous aider à choisir le produit qu'il vous faut. Ils sont également à votre écoute pour toutes vos questions concernant votre commande, votre livraison ou une assistance technique. Plus la quantité commandée est importante plus la remise est élevée De remises même sur les petites quantités grâce à nos promotions jusqu’à -45% sur vos indispensables D’offres de prix ponctuelles pour vos demandes de produits en grosse quantité De remises quantitatives grâce au panachage de formats du même produit

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airhelp.com Airhelp is a claims management company that enforces passenger rights against airlines in cases of flight disruptions. AirHelp is also known for publishing annual rankings of airports and airlines. Its operation is based on European Regulation No 261/2004, under which passengers in the EU are entitled to compensation in the event of denied boarding, cancellation or a long delay of flights. AirHelp assists passengers in claiming compensation for flight disruptions that fall under the clauses of Regulation. It determines the eligibility of individual travelers through a web form and an app for Android and iOS devices. This initial assessment of cases is offered as a free service. If the firm considers that users are entitled to a compensation, users may commission the company to pursue their claim in exchange for a success-based fee. AirHelp has reportedly helped more than 10 million passengers claim compensation in over 30 countries. In cases in which an airline rejects an out-of-court settlement, AirHelp takes legal action. On several occasions, this activity has prompted courts to clarify previously disputed legal questions regarding passenger rights. To substantiate claims against airlines, AirHelp compiles information from multiple databases to reconstruct the circumstances of flight disruptions in question.

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12go.asia Whatever you write about Thailand, it has already been written a thousand times; maybe a hundred thousand and one. But we will write it again: we love Thailand – and hope you will love it, too! Having travelled quite a lot around Southeast Asia, we are absolutely confident that Thailand is arguably the most interesting, convenient and safe destination to visit, offering diversity of activities, sights and experiences, from lazy beach holidays on paradise-like islands to the less discovered rugged parts of the country where wild jungle adventures beckon you. Trains, flights, buses, transfers, ferries, hotels, daytrips, insurances, car rent and other travel inventory are available on the same platfom for comparison and interline ticketing - we connect directly to supplier systems via API. You just have to enter 12go.asia Enjoy your trip!    

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weatlas.com Организуйте яркий отдых в любой точке мира. Получите по-настоящему яркие впечатления с сервисом путешествий и экскурсий Weatlas! Наш сервис предоставляет огромный выбор экскурсий на русском языке в любом месте планеты. Выбрать свой вариант отдыха и сделать Ваше путешествие по-настоящему увлекательным и незабываемым вместе с Weatlas — необычайно просто. Всё что Вам нужно сделать — ввести в строке поиска название интересующей Вас страны или города. Перед Вами откроется список самых популярных экскурсий, охватывающих известные достопримечательности, архитектурные и исторические шедевры, жемчужины национальной культуры, прекраснейшие города, памятники природы, и экзотические уголки планеты. Для того чтобы сориентироваться максимально быстро — задайте бюджет, в который Вы желаете уложиться, а также тип экскурсии: пешеходная или автомобильная, обзорная, историческая, тематическая и т.д. В нашей программе есть специальные форматы экскурсий: экскурсии для детей, экскурсии-фотосессии, что особенно оценят молодожёны, подбирающие вариант незабываемого свадебного путешествия. В описании к экскурсиям Вы найдёте всю необходимую информацию: подробную программу с фотографиями, отзывы туристов и стоимость экскурсии, а также информацию о Вашем гиде. Конечно, мы вернем деньги, если гид был непрофессионален. Мы попросим только рассказать о том, что именно не понравилось, и уточним у гида корректность данной информации. Мы вычеркиваем плохих гидов, и отвечаем за качество сервиса.

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horchow.com Certainly you would like your house to be full of special corners. At Horchow.com you could find the best Home Design Trends. A fresh crop of trending home decor with just-in looks to kick off a stylish new decade. They offer you a lot of Unique Artisanal product; Handcrafted elements, natural finishes, enticing textures, and vivid pops of color combine for an eclectic aesthetic. May be do you like Modern Luxury; Expect to see geometrics in varied forms paired with contrasting matte gold and cool silver accents. Whatever style you like, it will always combine a cosmopolitan touch. More is more with animal patterns, plush textures, fresh angles, and an abundance of shine. Textural elements and rich hues bring contemporary flair to enduring silhouettes. Enter horchow.com now and start creating unique spaces in your home!

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rajapack.es Los embalajes son indispensables para proteger, transportar, enviar o presentar correctamente todos los productos que se consumen. En Raja se preocupan por el medio ambiente y han trabajado para ofrecernos embalajes eco responsables. Estamos entrando en un modelo de economía circular que apunta a evitar el sobre embalaje y la utilización de embalajes más responsables. Han REDUCIDO el peso y el volumen de los embalajes al mínimo sin descuidar proteger correctamente. Seleccionar un embalaje adaptado al tamaño de su producto le permite reducir el espacio vacío de los paquetes, y entonces suprimir o reducir el material de relleno a utilizar. Siempre que sea posible hay que reciclar los embalajes. En Raja ciertos embalajes han sido concebidos para ser reutilizados varias veces sin dañarse. Puedes optar también por uno de sus 1465 embalajes fabricados a partir de materias primas renovables. Además, alrededor de 1000 productos de Raja integran materiales reciclados en su composición. Es imprescindible multiplicar los embalajes reciclables y fomentar la recogida selectiva y la reutilización de las materias primas. Entra ahora en rajapack.es y cuida el medio ambiente protegiendo tus envíos reciclando, reutilizando, y reduciendo los embalajes.

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theayurvedaexperience.com Looking forward to homeo medicines to get the best thing for your needs? Homeo expertise is always a necessary thing for everyone and when it comes for you to pick. There are many medicines which you can find on the contrary of getting yourself cured but picking up something from the best sites will always give you the best thing from your needs. From selecting the best range of medicines and supplements you can go for the best needs that you are taking for. Indeed there are a lot of things that you need to go for and then go for it. All you have to do is to go to products theayurvedaexperience.com and get the best things for your needs. At here, you can always get what you are looking for and the free shipping across the country will give you enormous advantages indeed.

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circulr.co Do you want to enhance your looks with a modern accessory that can go with your apparel? Then wristwatch is an ideal option for you. If you are searching for one that can match your desires, then check out circulr.co where you will find comprehensive range of wristwatches. This extraordinary online store features highly stylish and premium watches at highly affordable price. The variety is so high that you will end up making your own collection of wristwatches that you can show to your friends. Currently, Circulr features C3 edition, INKR edition, SMARTR edition and LIMITD edition. You can find watches in various colors for both men and women. If you are a student then you can avail a discount of as high as 20% on your orders. For occasional offers, you can check more details on the website. Circulr.co ships orders all across the world from its UK warehouse. So no matter where you are located on this globe, you can buy your favorite wristwatch from circulr.co.

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vertbaudet.pt A Vertbaudet é uma das mais completas lojas online no que diz respeito a moda infantil, quer seja para bebê, quer seja para criança, com milhares de artigos disponíveis à distância de apenas um clique. Com seu início há mais de 50 anos (1963), desde cedo a visão de mercado incrivelmente empreendedora de seu fundador Anselmo Dewavrin deu seus frutos, contribuindo para a rápida expansão da Vertbaudet no continente sul americano e europeu. A panóplia de artigos diponíveis é absolutamente incrível, com várias novidades todas as semanas em artigos pré-natal e infantil, numa moderna e intuitiva plataforma online que facilita a navegação de seus utilizadores. Para além disso, os descontos estão sempre presentes na Vertbaudet, pelo que pode ter a certeza que não encontrará em mais nenhuma loja online produtos desta qualidade e a um preço tão barato e convidativo. Não perca mais tempo em se deslocar até às lojas comuns, pois não só perde tempo, como também dinheiro que tanta falta faz. Ligue já seu computador, tablet ou celular e visite a loja online da Vertbaudet! Visit Site

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emp-online.it Per gli amanti del rock e dello stile gotico non è semplice trovare dei negozi e-commerce a buon mercato che incontrino i loro gusti eccentrici. Emp-online.it nasce appositamente per soddisfare le esigenze di questo mercato di nicchia, offrendo una grande varietà di prodotti tra abbigliamento, accessori, gioielli, CD, DVD, articoli a tema e oggetti per la casa. Cosa non meno importante, il sito vanta una sezione “Tempo Libero” dove gli utenti possono trovare moltissimi articoli originali quali tinte per capelli dei colori più particolari, acchiappasogni, elmetti portabibite, giochi di società, plettri bizzarri per le vostre chitarre, poster stellati e salvadanai a forma di teschio, tutto sotto i €20. Emp-online.it è uno dei pochi negozi online dove è possibile trovare vestiti da vampira (che non sono venduti come costumi bensì come abbigliamento da tutti i giorni) a meno di €40. La sezione offerte è ricca di articoli scontati di tutti i tipi, che possono essere acquistati in varie modalità: bonifico bancario, contrassegno, PayPal, Sofort e carta di credito. Le spese di spedizione non superano i €7, indipendentemente dal numero di oggetti acquistati. Visit Site

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